Past lab members/mentees

Graduate Students

John Bacovcin | M.S. Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Fall 2023 | John’s master’s thesis focused on understanding the effects of biocrusts on plant germination. His projects included (1) a global meta-analysis of the influence of morphological seed traits on the effects of biocrusts on germination, and (2) a greenhouse project exploring the effects of biocrust inoculum on seedling recruitment. John now works as a Rangeland Management Specialist for the U.S. Forest Service.

Louisa Kimmell | M.S. Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Spring 2023 | Louisa’s master’s thesis in the Dryland Ecology and Management Lab focused on soil-based restoration in dryland ecosystems including (1) a global soil restoration meta-analysis and (2) a regional, soil microbiome study using the RestoreNet project. Louisa now works as a Rangeland Ecologist with the National Audubon Society.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Students

Jessica Fagan | B.S. Restoration Ecology, Spring 2022 | Jessie’s undergraduate honors thesis in the Dryland Ecology and Management Lab focused on understanding the impacts of soil-based restoration on soil physical characteristics using the RestoreNet project.

Emma Enebo | B.S. Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Spring 2022 | Emma’s undergraduate honors thesis in the Dryland Ecology and Management Lab (co-advised by Dr. Troy Ocheltree) explored how plant functional traits affect competitive outcomes between native plant communities and invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass). Emma now works as a Forester for the U.S. Forest Service.

Julius Gayo (CU Boulder)

Hunter Geist-Sanchez (CSU)

Lior Gross (CU Boulder)

Hannah Haines (NAU)

Rose Julian (CSU)

Alex Leslie (CU Boulder)

Christopher Manning (CU Boulder)

Rachael Merkt (CU Boulder)

Ashlee Salato (CSU)

Laura Wegleitner (CU Boulder)

Ethan Yackulic (NAU/USGS)

Undergraduate Student Researchers

Evelyn Beaury (CU Boulder)

Savannah Bernal (Otero Junior College)

Halle Bramer (CU Boulder)

Emma Brokyl (CU Boulder)

Allister Carter (CU Boulder)

Hannah Cruz (CU Boulder)

Jacob DiBiase (CU Boulder)

Joelle Dilley (CSU)

Lindsey Foust (CU Boulder)

Whitney Gabbert (CU Boulder)

High School Student Researchers

Zachary Norris (BASIS High School, AZ)

Adriana Iturbe (Layafette High School, CO)

Bianca Cano (Lafeyette High School, CO)

Benjamin Santos (Boulder High School, CO)

Paul Rice (Evergreen High School, CO)